Comments on ChiGIM


ChiGIM Course is been reviewed every 2 years to guarantee our cooperative education quality. We thanks for the fellow alumni that respond our questionnaires on time. ChiGIM course will be much better based on your support.
The ChiGIM Course Review Questionnaires were collected from part of students who have already finished this course study and got their Msc degree.
 Respondent: Liu Lingling
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
Frankly speaking, I’ve got a lot from this course and I am not sure weather I can make a comprehensive conclusion about it. I am trying my best.
A: Methods of study and doing research;
B: Improvement in mastering English;
C: Friendship with the ones from many countries;
D: Independent ability;
E: Experience different life in foreign countries;
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
The courses are practical and reasonable, especially the discussion and assignment. I am very enjoyed with the teaching style which makes me feel happy and easy through study. Besides, I miss our discussion and party after every course.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
It is a very valuable chance in life both for learning more and enjoying the globe village life.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Sure. I did it in the past also in future.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
Provide some opportunities to do fieldwork in other countries.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
Keep on going!
Respondent: Zhu Qian
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
I’ve gained many benefits through ChiGIM about the life and research, main points are as follows:
¨        I experienced a special life in European countries in a multi-culture environment;
¨        I learned the comprehensive way to do research;
¨        I’ve opened my eye sighted not only in the field of research, but also about life;
¨        I’ve known many friends through the whole world.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
ITC’s moudules are practical and comprehensive, not only thoeries, but also a lot of practice, I could apply a lot in my job after I graduate from ITC, thanks a lot.
Else, teachers are full of knowledge, passion, and helpful, they just acted as my friends, even after grudating, miss them a lot.
Especially, every module’s group exercises, excursions, and module end parties are my favorite.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
Three main points:
1.        To get more knowledge about the field of Geo-information management;
2.        To experience western culture;
3.        Especially, ITC offered scholarship.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
I will recommend this course to my friends for sure, and already recommended to many friends.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
I think everything is already perfect.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
I have no idear. I think it’s quite good.
 Respondent: Song Yu
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
Enlarge professional view;
Enhance GIS technical ability;
Promote my systematization for land administration;
Better professional English;
Make many friends from all over the world;
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
If 5 is full mark, I want to mark 4;
The curricula schema (time, English teacher) should be executed more strictly, especially in China;
Practice of GIS & RS through computer should be increased and strengthened;
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
Advance for my techniques and administration for the land and urban plan;
The opportunity to know the current development on land administration through interviewing some other countries;
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Of course.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
Case study course maybe benefit to this program;
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
Chang’an University is provided with the capability both for the teaching mechanism and facilities; and her CHIGIM organizer is eager to promote the program through all offers;
ITC is also famous for GIS’s & RS’s techniques & administration and relevant fields, ITC provide a nice physical environment and teaching mechanism to the international students.
I like both Chang’an University and ITC, who make me a ready explorer and effective staff in the present work.
Respondent: Jing Jing
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
It gave me chances to learn how to work in a Team. And let me have known how to do a Research in an efficient and right way, moreover this knowledge is not only helpful for Research but also for the daily work.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
The modules, especially the core modules are very useful and all the documents we got are also very good complementary learning materials. Study condition in China, in comparison with ITC should have more investment.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
To get advanced knowledge from ITC and widen my horizon.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
It’s my pleasure to do so.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
The teaching ways and facilities in China could be improved more.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
They both are good organizers, thanks for both of them.
Working in Germany
Respondent: Zhang Jing
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
Firstly, my research was advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience from students and professionals who came from different countries.
Secondly, we studied the new and popular technologies. And we can import these advanced technologies in our researches and jobs.
Thirdly, we can combine theory with practice during study because the course often includes participants’ own experience.
Last but not least, from the course I was looking at the research problem from a different angle.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
I totally agree with the course modules and teaching style.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
I want to know what other people do in my field.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Yes, my schoolmates.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
I think to make final defense in ITC is better than in China.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
They are doing good job.
Respondent: Qiao Liang
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
This course is a pretty good chance to touch different educational style. I have more time to discuss with my supervisor about research. The ITC life is also very memorable. It’s much simpler. The only thing I need care is my thesis and friend.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
The course modules and teaching style are nice. It’s perhaps better that student have more practical time.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
The oversea life and education experience is my most motivation to join this course.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Definitely, I will.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
It’s hard to say. I have not thought it well.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
In model study, ITC’s teacher should give more lectures and instructions to Chinese students.
Respondent: Zheng Miaomiao
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
A: research mythology, the way of thinking
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
A: because I didn’t join so much course in NL, only wrote my thesis, so sincerely, I almost agree with the modules and teaching style
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
A: ITC is the most famous institution of 3S, and there is the relationship between ITC and Chang’an University, it is convenient to learn more knowledge overseas.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
A: yes, I think it is a good opportunity to touch the most advantage science of 3S
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
A: fees, for anybody, cheaper and cheaper is the best way
  Course structure, I think this is hard to say ,because I’m not a teacher or professor, fits is the most factor.
  Lectures: pay attention to applicant of 3S
  Facilities: this part is good
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
A: more communication with the students, to know what they really want
Respondent: Hong Jie
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
The newest information about geo-information, the method of doing research independently, and the friends from different culture are the most important benefits I get from this course.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
Save on time and money, but need more improvement in transmission of professional knowledge.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
The most motivation is to get the Msc degree and the geo-information and remote sensing technology.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Sure, and I have done.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
I hope this course can provide more field trips in The Netherlands.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
They are both warmhearted and have provided all the helps needed in studying abroad.
Respondent: Gao Wen
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
ChiGIM course includes intensive theories and knowledge in terms of management, which benefits me during my present work. Besides, for me the most importantly, I acquire the practical research skills and thinking methods which are really valuable.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
I strongly agree that the course modules be adjusted according to requirement changes. I agree the various teaching style e.g. more practice and implementation during studying.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
To improve learning capability, broaden my thinking and understanding method, enhance my English communication skills.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
I had already recommended the course to my friends and classmates who show interests for oversea study.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
The both course providers do lots of works and effort to improve joint course. So right hand working staff in Chang’an Uni is key factor to improve communication and cooperation level.
Respondent: Liu Qi
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
It gave me an opportunity to see outside world and make several nice friends; it makes me undergo a lot of things and people, and make me stronger; it opens the door of Geo-information to me which I have no idea before.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
I think the contents of course modules are very good, but we should practice more ourselves during the studies.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
I don’t know the rest of the world and want to see different countries; GIS is also a very interesting topic and has a good future.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Yes, I will.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
I hope the fees can be cheaper for those students, and for the half-scholarship students, they should also be allowed to live outside, because they pay a lot for them and outside is much cheaper than hotel. And I hope ITC can supply more scholarship for Chinese students. The course structure I think is good. Facilities are also very good.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
Respondent: Yao Xiaojun
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
Personally, I have gained a lot from CHIGIM course. I got Msc degree of ITC, I made many friends worldwide, I traveled through Europe to see beauties and to feel the cultures, I worked for a company to do business, I can speak beautiful English and lovely Dutch. The oversee experience will be the treasure of my life.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
I’m agreeing with the course modules; for the current teaching style, in comparison with before, is much better. For me, CHIGIM course involves many modules that differ from pure technique lessons, but more to management. It is quite appropriate for me to follow this course since my background is GIS.
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
Fewer fees, short term and my father’s description about the beautiful Holland.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Yes, I will.  
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
Continue the competition mechanism, including full scholarship and half scholarship. Of course, a standard level should be somewhere. Course structure and lectures have no problem. At this moment, the facilities in Change’an University are sufficient.
If this joint course can offer more subject directions, that will be a great news.
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
Chang’an University has many nice courses and subjects that related to Geo-science and the staffs here are familiar in dealing with the joint course issues.
ITC is famous for its Geo-science and earth observation, I’m very lucky that I have been under that research atmosphere.
Respondent: Wang Xiaofen
1.          What are the benefits you get from ChiGIM course?
My English has been improved significantly during ChiGIM course, both spoken and witting. The most valuable part is that I learned how to research a problem through science methodology.
2.          To what extend do you agree with the course modules and teaching style?
3.          The most motivation for you to join this course?
I thought it would open my mind through learning aboard at the beginning---this is the most motivation of mine.
4.          Will you recommend this course to your friends after your graduation?
Yes, of course I will introduce this course to them.
5.          What are your suggestions for this Joint course? (Including fees, course structure, lecturers, facilities, etc.)
I think course fee is a little bit expensive. Course structure and lecturers are very worthy to learn, but some facilities were not available when we studied in Chang’an University, for instance we could not learn some ITC courses in Chang’an University. 
6.          What is your idea for the course provider---Chang’an University and ITC?
I think it will be perfect if ITC or Chang’an University can give us some opportunities to work as internship in some companies in Netherlands