English-Medium Master Programs


School Name


Research Field


Highway School

Communication and Transportation Engineering

Highway and Airport Engineering

Civil Engineering

 Bridge  Enigneering

 Geotechnical Engineering

 Tunnel Engineering


School of Construction Machinery            

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation

 Mechatronic Engineering

 Mechanical Design and Theory

Construction Machinery


School of Economics and Management                

Business Administration

Enterprise Management


Tourism Management


School of Electronics and Control Engineering   

Communication and Transportation Engineering

 Traffic Information Engineering and Control  

Control Science and Engineering

Control Theory and Control Engineering

Testing Technology and Automation Devices

Systems Engineering

Module Identification and Intelligence System

Navigation, Guide and Control


Information Engineering School

Information and Communication Engineering

Broadband wireless communication theory

Information coding and confidential communication

Traffic intelligent detection and information fusion

Image intelligent perception and understanding

Computer Science and Technology

Connected Vehicles and computing system

Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision

Computer Network and Information Security

Big Data and Service Computing

Communication and transportation engineering

Traffic Information Engineering and Control


School of Geological Engineering and Geomatics


 Solid Geophysics

Space Physics

Surveying and Mapping

Geodesy and Survey Engineering

Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering

 Photographical Survey and Remote Sensing

Safety Science and Engineering

Safety Science and Systems Engineering

Safety Techniques

Emergency and Safety Management

Geological Resources and Geological Engineering

 Geology Engineering

 Geodetection and Information Technology


School of Earth Science and Resources    


 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology


Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Quaternary Geology

Tectonics Geology

Geo-Information System

Geological Resources and Geological Engineering

Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration

Oil and Gas Field Geology and Development


 School of Civil Engineering  

Civil Engineering

 Geotechnical Engineering

 Structural Engineering

Disaster-Prevention & Reduction Engineering & Protection Engineering


 School of Architecture


Regional Architecture Design

Architectural Heritage Protection

Green Building Technology

Urban Design

Urban and Rural Planning

Theory and Method of Urban and Rural Planning

Urban and Rural Development History and Heritage Protection

Urban Land Use and Transportation Planning

Urban and Rural Ecological Planning and Technology


School of Water and Environment

Chemical Egineering and Technology

Development and application of functional materials

High-value utilization of chemical and biological resources

Environmental pollution repair by chemical engineering technology

Environmental Science and Engineering

Wastewater treatment and resource utilization

Hydro-ecological environment evolution and regulation in arid regions

Air pollution control

Soil-groundwater pollution and remediation

Environmental energy and new material

Hydraulic Engineering

Sustainable development and efficient utilization of water resources in arid regions

Groundwater resources and their environmental impact

Hydrological ecology and water security

Hydrogeochemical process and their health effects

Seepage in lose and the prevention of water and soil disaster


School of Automobile

Vehicle Engineering

Vehicle Engineering

Communication and Transportation Engineering

Vehicle Operation Engineering


School of Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Road Materials Science and Engineering

Mechannical Engineering Materials

Material Processing Engineering

Material Physics and Chemistry

Materials Science


School of Land Engineering

Land Resource Management

Land Resource Management


Cartography and Geography Information System

Land Engineering

Land Engineering


College of Transportation Engineering

Communication and Transportation Engineering

Transportation Engineering

Transportation planning and management


School of Marxism

State Governance Model of China

Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Governing in China

Improvement of Leadership and Western Governance Ability

Ecological Environment and Social Governance in China

Marxist Theory

The Basic Principles of Marxism

Study on the Sinicization of Marxism


School of Energy and Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

 Electric Power System and Its Automatization

Electrical Theory and New Technology

 Power Eletronics and Power Drives

Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

Power Machinery and Engineering

New energy science and engineering

Engineering thermal physics